Universiteit Leiden

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Study information

JIP Informatiesessie Leiden

Monday 22 May 2023
Niels Bohrweg 1
2333 CA Leiden

The Joint Interdisciplinary Project (JIP) is an initative by the TU Delft, where master's students tackle different contemporary issues. Think of aviation, the transition to renewable energy sources and medical innovations. Together with different Dutch and international companies, students work on the solutions of the future for the current day problems.

Two hundred students in total have worked in 2022, in groups from four to five people, on these kind of topics. You can enroll for the JIP 2023 until May 23rd, 2023. The TU Delft kindly invites you for an information session in Leiden on the JIP programme, on May 17th in the Old Observatory and on May 22nd at the Foobar (in the Snellius building).

There are some specific conditions for master's students from Leiden to enroll for the JIP 2023. These can be found on this page on the JIP website.

Joint Interdisicplinary Project | TU Delft

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