Universiteit Leiden

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From Colonial Morocco to the Promised Land: The Jewish Exodus and Its Complex Realities

Wednesday 8 May 2024
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden

This lecture explores the multifaceted history of Moroccan Jewry and their mass departure from Morocco between 1948 and 1967, set against the backdrop of colonialism, the struggle for independence, and the post-independence era. Morocco, under French rule during this period, experienced significant demographic shifts as Moroccan Jews sought new horizons in Israel, France, and North America.

Examining the various reasons behind the departure of Moroccan Jews, the lecture sheds light on both push factors like economic opportunities, political instability, and rising anti-Semitism, as well as pull factors, with Israel being seen as a promised land offering refuge and a better life. However, it also uncovers the darker side of this migration, revealing Israeli state-sponsored illegal operations aimed at relocating Moroccan Jews.

Upon arriving in Israel, many Moroccan Jews faced daunting challenges. They were forced into remote camps, highlighting the harsh practices of Israeli law enforcement and decision-makers behind the "population dispersal" policies in the first two decades. They encountered racism and marginalization, contributing to a societal hierarchy where Arab Jews, including those from Morocco, were often treated as second-class citizens, despite eventually becoming the majority of the Israeli population.


Nadia Bouras is an expert in the field of Moroccan history and Moroccan migration history. She is an Assistant Professor in the History and Urban Studies departments and is also a representative of the Netherlands Institute in Morocco (NIMAR). She makes regular media appearances on current affairs relating to migration and integration.

This session will be chaired by Suzan Abozyid.

Leiden University Teach-In Series on Palestine & Israel

Open to all Leiden University students and staff (LU card may be required). Any questions or suggestions may be directed to leiden.teachin@gmail.com.

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