Leiden University 14th in global sustainability ranking
Leiden University has taken 14th place in the UI Green Metric, a global sustainability ranking for universities. Over 1,000 universities from all around the world participate in the ranking.
The UI Green Metric is the initiative of the University of Indonesia (UI). Each year it assesses how universities around the world deal with matters such as energy, the climate, waste recycling, transport and water. It also looks at the extent to which sustainability is included in their research and teaching, and how much budget goes toward this.
Dutch universities
This year, 1,183 universities took part in the ranking, 133 more than last year. Leiden University is in 14th place, two places lower than last year, making it the third most sustainable university in the Netherlands. The University of Groningen is the second most sustainable university in the Netherlands at fourth place in this year’s list. Wageningen University & Research is number one in the ranking and for the seventh time running the most sustainable university in the world.
More sustainable on all fronts
Leiden University was awarded 9,200 out of a possible 10,000 points. This means its overall score is up 175 points from last year. The university scored the same or better in all categories. And it scored significantly higher than last year in the categories of transportation, environment and infrastructure, and teaching and research in particular. This is due in part to projects such as the Leiden Municipality Challenge in which students and Leiden residents are exploring together how the city can become even more sustainable. Leiden University scored best in the categories of waste, transportation and water, receiving full points for these.
The full ranking, broken down into categories, can be read on the UI Green Metric website.