Universiteit Leiden

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Sustainability & Development

Research Internships in the field of Sustainability and Development focus on the challenges presented by the need to find ways in which consumption, usage, production, recycling and reusage can be brought in line with current societal needs. The Research Internships included in this category are being provided by municipalities, non-governmental public-private bodies, and occasionally also by companies.

* City of The Hague/ Port of Scheveningen: Coastal Challenges

The Port of Scheveningen invites student researchers to work on the diverse spatial engagements. How can the uses and interpretations of ‘space’ by different stakeholders create a foundation for the development of sustainable development in line with the UN SDGs?

* Valuing Water and Culture(s)

Although often seen as a purely technical field, water management has always been embedded in social, cultural, and spatial practices. Understanding the embedded nature of water in space, culture, and society can help us to redeploy historic systems and the heritage of past water management as part of sustainable development.

* Infrastructure and the Port City of Takoradi

We are offering Policy in Practice opportunities for fieldwork in Ghana as collaborating researchers of the Centre for PortCityFutures.
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* Moralities of Taxes in The Netherlands

The Dutch tax administration (Belastingdienst) needs to know how tax payers experience and evaluate the Dutch tax administration. What do people think of their services? How do people’s tax morales (the motivation to pay taxes) differ and does this change? Questions such as these focus on the legitimacy and functioning of taxes in The Netherlands and are measured in an annual survey and presented, by the Belastingdienst, in the Fiscale Monitor.
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* Willows in the Dutch polder

What will the Dutch polder landscape look like in the future? Ecologists and social scientists, in collaboration with farmers and citizens, are trying to answer this question in Polderlab VrouwVenne just outside of Leiden.
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