1,980 zoekresultaten voor “politics in the united states” in de Publieke website
North Sea noise in the Anthropocene: an impact study of human-made impulsive sounds on free-ranging cod
Sound is everywhere in the marine environment and hearing is therefore a very important for stimuli for fish. They use sound for orientation and communication, during migration, aggregation and spawning, but also for detection of prey and predators.
The impact of climate variability on the ecology of a lion (Panthera leo Linnaeus 1758) population and lion livestock conflicts in the Amboseli
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Prof.dr. G.A. Persoon, Co-promotor: H.H. de Iongh
The Interactions of Human Mobility and Farming Systems and Impacts on Biodiversity and Soil Quality in the Western Highlands of Cameroon
Promotors: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Prof.dr. G.A. Persoon, Prof.dr.ir. H.H. de Iongh
Quantum dots in microcavities: From single spins to engineered quantum states of light
A single self-assembled semiconductor quantum dot in a high-finesse optical microcavity - the subject of this thesis - is an interesting quantum-mechanical system for future quantum applications. For instance, this system allows trapping of an extra electron and thus can serve as a spin quantum memory,…
Control and Technology in Border Areas: Discretion and Decision-making in the Information Age
Op 20 maart 2019 verdedigde Tim Dekkers zijn proefschrift 'Mobility, Control and Technology in Border Areas: Discretion and Decision-making in the Information Age'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof. dr. J.P. van der Leun en prof. dr. M.A.H. van der Woude.
Examining science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge in the context of a professional development program
Dit proefschrift omvat vier deelstudies waarin de ‘pedagogische vakkennis’ (pedagogical content knowledge ofwel PCK) van bètadocenten wordt onderzocht.
Metabolomics and lipidomics applications in the context of immune and cancer metabolism
Social support at work and at home: Dual-buffering effects in the work-family conflict process
Dr. Helen Pluut heeft een artikel gepubliceerd in het gerenommeerde tijdschrift Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP). Dit in samenwerking met Remus Ilies (National University of Singapore), Petru Curşeu (Open Universiteit en Babeş-Bolyai University) en Yukun Liu (University of…
longitudinal analysis of different dimensions of the desistance process among long-term prisoners in the Netherlands
Op 5 september 2019 verdedigde Jennifer Doekhie haar proefschrift 'Dimensions of desistance: A qualitative longitudinal analysis of different dimensions of the desistance process among long-term prisoners in the Netherlands'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. P. Nieuwbeerta.
Jimpitan in Wonosobo, Central Java: an indigenous institution in the context of sustainable socio-economic development in Indonesia
In times of hardships or crisis, local people know how to deal with it using their resourcefulness. Although efforts are sometimes made by the government to help them, they are fully aware that community support is at least equally important.
The Role and Effectiveness of the G20
The Role and Effectiveness of the G20. In dit artikel, gepubliceerd in The Changing Global Order onderdeel van the United Nations University Series on Regionalism book series, bespreekt auteur Jaroslaw Kantorowicz de evolutie van de G20.
Boeklancering 'The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child’
Het boek 'The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child' is het resultaat van internationale wetenschappelijke congres - '25 Years CRC' – dat plaatsvond in november 2014 in Leiden ter gelegenheid van de 25e verjaardag van het VN-Kinderrechtenverdrag.
Transnational and Cross-Cultural Agents in the 17th Century Overseas Expansion
Waarom zijn transnationale en interculturele agenten zoals Henrich Carloff en Willem Leyel belangrijk voor de studie van de vroegmoderne expansie?
crises? Differential implementation and transboundary crisis management in the EU
In dit artikel analyseren Lydie Cabane en Martin Lodge analyseren de invloed van institutionele keuzes op het aanpassen van beleidsintegratie in grensoverschrijdende crisisbeheersing.
Professional learning of vocational teachers in the context of work placement
Hoewel de meerwaarde van stages in het bedrijfsleven in eerder onderzoek wordt onderschreven, is er nog niet veel bekend over hoe het leren van docenten tijdens hun stage plaatsvindt en hoe zij hun leerervaringen uit stages gebruiken voor hun nderwijs. Om een meer diepgaand inzicht te verkrijgen in…
The heart of oxygenic photosynthesis illuminated
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J.M de Groot, Co-Promotor: A. Alia
Amerikaans buitenlands beleid en liberalisme
The NWO-funded Vidi project “American foreign policy and liberalism” challenges the idea that the United States has created and sustained a “liberal international order” since World War II. It instead explores the ways in which illiberal ideologies – such as those underpinning racial hierarchy at home…
The Regional Network on the Synergy between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification
Description of The Regional Network on the Synergy between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.
Freedom of Overflight: A Study of Coastal State Jurisdiction in International Airspace
Op 10 juni 2021 verdedigde Merinda Stewart haar proefschrift 'Freedom of Overflight: A Study of Coastal State Jurisdiction in International Airspace'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr. P.M.J. Mendes de Leon en prof.dr. J.J. Rijpma.
Strategies for braiding and ground state preparation in digital quantum hardware
With the help of quantum mechanics, digital quantum hardware may be able to tackle some of the problems that are too difficult for ordinary computers. But despite these expectations and the ongoing effort of the research community, reliable quantum computers are not yet realized in a lab setting.
Exploring big data approaches in the context of early stage clinical
Als gevolg van de grote technologische vooruitgang in de gezondheidszorg worden in toenemende mate gegevens verzameld tijdens de uitvoering van klinische onderzoeken.
(Non)recognition of legal identity in aspirant states: evidence from Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria
Ramesh Ganohariti onderzoekt de juridische identiteit in drie post-Sovjet aspirant-lidstaten en schetst in dit artikel vier veelvoorkomende scenario's.
Small-State Influence in EU Security Governance: Unveiling Latvian Lobbying Against Disinformation
In dit artikel onderzoekt Sophie Vériter hoe een kleine staat het veiligheidsbestuur van de EU beïnvloedt.
The World of Water
The International Course on Water Use and Management in Cagayan Valley The Philippines (2011-2015)
Principles of Evidence in Investor-State Arbitration, Burden, Standards, Presumptions & Inferences
Op 28 februari 2019 verdedigde Kabir Duggal zijn proefschrift 'Principles of Evidence in Investor-State Arbitration, Burden, Standards, Presumptions & Inferences'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof. dr. E. De Brabandere.
Play by the rules? : coordination of EU sustainable development policies and the importance of the politico-legal context
There is an increasing amount of attention on EU and its Member States contributions to implementation of two landmark agreements: the Paris Climate Agreement and the UN Agenda 2030 with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Absent from the current literature is an analysis of the political effect of…
Who is Afraid of More Women in Politics, and Why? An Analysis of Public Opinion in 28 European Countries
In dit artikel bestuderen de auteurs hoe individuele variabelen en variabelen op landelijk niveau op elkaar inwerken bij het beïnvloeden van politieke genderattitudes in Europa.
Shifts: Evaluating the General Data Protection Regulation as an instrument of risk control and power redistribution in the context of big data
Op 12 september 2019 verdedigde Michiel Rhoen zijn proefschrift 'Big Data, Big Risks, Big Power Shifts: Evaluating the General Data Protection Regulation as an instrument of risk control and power redistribution in the context of big data'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr.mr.…
Roman Fake News? Documentary Fictions in the Roman Empire
Hoe kunnen theorieën over moderne desinformatie helpen om te begrijpen hoe dat werkte in de Romeinse tijd?
ethnically mixed relationships of immigrants from Dutch former colonies in the Netherlands, 1945-2005
Deelproject van
feeeders between introduced Ring-necked parakeets and native bird species in the Netherlands
Does the presence of Ring-necked parakeets negatively influence feeding and feeding behaviour of native bird species on artificial bird feeders and if so, what are possible solutions?
Johan Christensen: 'The Power of Economists within the State'
Deze maand publiceerde Johan Christensen, assistent professor aan het Instituut Bestuurskunde, zijn nieuwe boek: 'The Power of Economists within the State. In het boek analyseert hij waarom bepaalde landen verschillend beleid ten opzichte van economische deregulatie hebben geïmplementeerd. Daartoe onderzoekt…
The formation of complex organic molecules in dense clouds-Sweet results from laboratory
Large areas of space are filled by molecular clouds that consist of gas and dust grains that are the remnants of dead stars. When these clouds start collapsing, the decreasing temperature and increasing density cause gas particles to start accreting onto dust grain surfaces.
Knowledge of Medicinal, Aromatic and Cosmetic (MAC) Plants in the Utilisation of the Plural Medical System in Pirgos and Praitoria for Community
Promotor: Prof.dr. L.J. Slikkerveer
Sarah Wolff
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
A blessing in disguise?! Discretion in the context of EU decision-making, national transposition and legitimacy regarding EU directives
Op 27 september promoveert Josephine Hartmann op haar proefschrift: A blessing in disguise?! Discretion in the context of EU decision-making, national transposition and legitimacy regarding EU directives.
The symmetry of crystals and the topology of electrons
Promotor: J. Zaanen, Co-Promotor: V. Juricic
Contributions to the phylogeny of the haplolepideous mosses
The haplolepideous mosses (Dicranidae) comprise about 4000 species distributed over a wide range of habitats, with great gametophytic and sporophytic morphological variation. Their monophyly is well supported by the results of several molecular phylogenetic studies, which shed light on their relationships…
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) at e-waste recycling site among workers in the informal sector in Nigeria
Do e-waste workers display enhanced effects of adverse health effects due to informal e-waste processing in Nigeria? Is there a difference between the health outcomes of the exposed and the control groups? Are there difference in health effects within and between job groups (collectors, dismantlers,…
The physics of nanowire superconducting single-photon detectors
Promotores: Prof.dr. D. Bouwmeester, Prof.dr. A. Fiore (TU Eindhoven)
Making the invisible visible: paramagnetic NMR and the transient protein complex
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Ubbink
Invertebrates on the edge
What invertebrates live in the fields and edges? Do the populations change with landscape complexity?
Publicatie hoofdstuk door Timo Slootweg in "Great Christian Jurists in the Low Countries"
Timo Slootweg, associate professor at he department Philosophy of Law, published a chapter about Paul Scholten in
The hunt for frozen organic molecules in space
Complex Organic Molecules (COMs) have been detected in objects across different stages of stellar evolution.
States in shock: De aanpassingscapaciteiten van staatsadministraties bij grensoverschrijdende crises
Deze studie onderzoekt hoe Europese staatsadministraties de afgelopen 30 jaar hebben gereageerd op grensoverschrijdende crises en in hoeverre zij succesvol zijn aangepast.
Ten Napel neemt deel aan seminar over ‘The Value of Tradition in the Global Context’
Van 11-13 december 2018 was Hans-Martien ten Napel uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan een kleinschalig seminar over bovengenoemd onderwerp. Het seminar werd georganiseerd in het kader van het ‘Tradition Project’ van St. John’s University School of Law in New York, mede georganiseerd door Villanova School…
Infographic eindrapport State of the Art Crisisbeheersing 2
State of the Art Crisisbeheersing 2
Princes and Prophets: Democracy and the Defamation of Power
Op 1 juni 2022 verdedigde Tom Herrenberg het proefschrift 'Prosecutorial Discretion in International Criminal Justice'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.dr. P.B. Cliteur en prof.dr. B.R. Rijpkema.
PUMA (Prospecting the Urban Mines of Amsterdam)
PUMA aims at composing a geological map of the urban mine of Amsterdam for a selection of metals. Where are main deposits of copper, iron and aluminium located, when will they become available for secondary production, in what state and shape are they?
A monograph of the plant genus Trigonostemon Blume
Trigonostemon Blume is a plant genus in the family Euphorbiaceae comprising 59 species.