283 zoekresultaten voor “quantum mechanics” in de Publieke website
Cryptography from quantum uncertainty in the presence of quantum side information
Promotor: Ronald Cramer, Co-promotor: Serge Fehr
Strategies for braiding and ground state preparation in digital quantum hardware
With the help of quantum mechanics, digital quantum hardware may be able to tackle some of the problems that are too difficult for ordinary computers. But despite these expectations and the ongoing effort of the research community, reliable quantum computers are not yet realized in a lab setting.
Quantum computation with Majorana zero modes in superconducting circuits
Promotor: Prof.dr. C.W.J. Beenakker
Single cell mechanics for disease biology and pharmacology
In this thesis, we describe the potential of cell mechanical phenotyping for immune cell characterization, diagnosis, drug testing, as well as treatment of disease.
Anisotropy in cell mechanics
Mechanical interactions between cells and their environment play an important role in many biological processes.
Where photons meet phonons
We investigate how radiation pressure can be used to influence the mechanical motion of a micro-mirror suspended from springs.
Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy and the Spin Bath
There are many interpretations of quantum mechanics, and ultimately experiments are needed to verify or falsify these interpretations.
Optimization of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers
This thesis covers several aspects of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers and its applications to quantum chemistry and material science.
Quantum Matter and Optics
Onderzoeksgroepen in het Quantum Matter & Optics onderzoeksprogramma onderzoeken elektronische eigenschappen van interacties van materie en lichtmaterie, met de nadruk op quantuminformatie.
Applications of quantum annealing in combinatorial optimization
Quantum annealing belongs to a family of quantum optimization algorithms designed to solve combinatorial optimization problems using programmable quantum hardware. In this thesis, various methods are developed and tested to understand how to formulate combinatorial optimization problems for quantum…
Optical cavities and quantum emitters
Optical cavities are useful tools to enhance the interaction between light and matter, which is important to make good quantum emitters. However, it turns out that the cavities themselves (without any quantum emitters) are already interesting objects to study.
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with quantum dots in microcavities
Promotor: Prof.dr. D. Bouwmeester
Quantum dots in microcavities: From single spins to engineered quantum states of light
A single self-assembled semiconductor quantum dot in a high-finesse optical microcavity - the subject of this thesis - is an interesting quantum-mechanical system for future quantum applications. For instance, this system allows trapping of an extra electron and thus can serve as a spin quantum memory,…
Methods to simulate fermions on quantum computers with hardware limitations
This thesis is a collection of theoretical works aiming at adjusting quantum algorithms to the hardware of quantum computers.
On periodically driven quantum systems
Promotor: C. W. J. Beenakker, Co-promotor: J. K. Asboth
Quantum local asymptotic normality and other questions of quantum statistics
Promotor: R. Gill, Co-promotor: P. Massart
De wereld is quantum (voorjaar 2024)
Quantummechanica voor iedereen
The power of one qubit in quantum simulation algorithms
Quantum computing is an emerging technology, which holds the potential to simulate complex quantum systems beyond the reach of classical numerical methods.Despite recent formidable advancements in quantum hardware, constructing a quantum computer capable of performing useful calculations remains challenging.In…
- Quantum Computers
Knowledge extraction in the quantum random-oracle model
The aim of this thesis is to present novel techniques for proving cryptographic schemes secure against quantum adversaries. Most results are within the context of an idealized model called the ‘quantum random-oracle model’.
Quantum machine learning: on the design, trainability and noise-robustness of near-term algorithms
This thesis addresses questions on effectively using variational quantum circuits for machine learning tasks.
Hydrodynamics and the quantum butterfly effect in Black Holes and large N quantum field theories
Why do black holes emit thermal radiation? And how does a closed quantum system thermalize?
Smoothly breaking unitarity : studying spontaneous collapse using two entangled, tuneable, coherent amplifiers
The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics states that a measurement collapses a wavefunction onto an eigenstate of the corresponding measurement operator.
Quantum voor jou
Hoe quantum-ready ben jij? Want geloof het of niet, ook jouw toekomst is quantum. Nieuwe quantum-technologieën gaan onze samenleving meer beïnvloeden dan we ons nu realiseren. Hoe precies? Op deze pagina ontdek je meer over quantum.
Applications of topology to Weyl semimetals and quantum computing
This thesis covers various applications of topology in condensed matter physics and quantum information.
Quantum and Society
Wat weet het grote publiek over quantum en wat vindt men ervan? Ook daar denken onderzoekers binnen Quantum Leiden over na.
Partners van Quantum Leiden
Bedrijven met wie Quantum Leiden samenwerkt: Shell, TotalEnergies, Google, Volkswagen en Qu&Co. En met de volgende overheden en publieke organisaties: CERN, ESA, SURF, Gemeente Leiden, Provincie Zuid-Holland, Quantum Delta NL en InnovationQuarter.
Organisatie Quantum-onderzoek
De organisatie van het onderzoek binnen Quantum Leiden is in handen van onderstaande onderzoekers.
Over Quantum Leiden
Wie zijn de mensen achter Quantum Leiden? Dat zijn natuurlijk de bevlogen en enthousiaste onderzoekers die nu keihard bezig zijn met onze quantumtoekomst. Maar vergeet ook niet hun voorgangers. En daarbij zitten onderzoekers van wereldfaam.
Quantum dot microcavity control of photon statistics
During my PhD research, I studied the photon statistics of light emitted by a microcavity that contains a single quantum dot (QD) on resonance.
- Quantum and Society
Expansions of quantum group invariants
In my research, we developed a method to distinguish knots. A knot is a mathematical depiction of the everyday knot that occurs in ropes and cords.
Quantum Information Science & Technology (MSc)
Quantum Information Science & Technology (QIST) encompasses the understanding, design, construction and investigation of quantum information processing systems, such as quantum computers, quantum communication networks, and quantum sensors.
- Quantum Networks and Sensing
Dynamics of coupled quantum systems
Thermodynamics is one of the founding scientific pillars that has helped us better understand heat engines, biology, ecosystems, and even black holes. While it fundamentally describes large systems by examining the bulk behavior of their constituents, it is anchored in the statistical equivalence of…
Quantum Leiden onderzoekt de quantumtoekomst
Leiden is sterk in het ontwikkelen van algoritmen. Verder zijn quantumnetwerken en quantumsensing belangrijke onderzoeksthema's. Als ook onderwijs en communicatie over quantum.
Algorithm selection and configuration for Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum methods for industrial applications
Quantum hardware comes with a different computing paradigm and new ways to tackle applications. Much effort has to be put into understanding how to leverage this technology to give real-world advantages in areas of interest for industries such as combinatorial optimization or machine learning.
Computational speedups and learning separations in quantum machine learning
This thesis investigates the contribution of quantum computers to machine learning, a field called Quantum Machine Learning. Quantum Machine Learning promises innovative perspectives and methods for solving complex problems in machine learning, leveraging the unique capabilities of quantum computers…
Signatures of Majorana zero-modes in nanowires, quantum spin Hall edges, and quantum dots
Promotor: Prof.dr. C.W.J. Beenakker
Integer and fractional quantum hall effects in lattice magnets
Promotor: Prof.dr.ir. J.W.M. Hilgenkamp, Prof.dr. J. van den Brink
Freedom of additional signals on genes: on the combination of DNA mechanics, genetics and translation speed
DNA carries various forms of information. Out of these forms of information the most well-known is classical genetic information.
Quantum Leiden werkt aan de toekomst
Quantum, machine learning, AI en qubits. Quantum Leiden bundelt onderzoek en onderwijs van Universiteit Leiden naar supercomputers of quantumcomputers
NExt ApplicationS of Quantum Computing (NEASQC)
EASQC brengt hoogopgeleide en gemotiveerde academische deskundigen en industriële eindgebruikers samen, die samenwerken aan zeer relevante en representatieve Quantum Computing-toepassingen, en hun lessen zullen delen met hun communities. Om de samenwerking tussen de industrie en de academische wereld…
Nuclear Quantum Effects in Solid Water
Ice, the solid state of water, plays an important role on our planet as well as the entire universe.Despite the fact that an individual water molecule has a very simple structure, its chemical bonding in the solid phase can be surprisingly complex.
PhD in Machine Learning for Quantum Systems
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
- Research in Physics, Classical/Quantum Information (MSc)
Molecular electronics: Controlled manipulation, noise and graphene architecture
Atoms and molecules are the basic units of matter. If we keep dividing a bar of gold or a glass of water into smaller parts, at the end we are left with a single gold atom or a water molecule.
Quantum critical metals at vanishing fermion flavor number
Quantum critical metals at vanishing fermion flavor number.
Coherent dynamics in solar energy transduction
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J.M. de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
- Research in Physics, Quantum Matter and Optics (MSc)