Universiteit Leiden

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Career and apply for jobs

Workshop: competences and qualities

In this workshop we will look into your competencies and qualities through your personal and career profile. Your personal and career profile consists of several things: a description of who you are, what you can do, the kind of work you are looking for and under what conditions you want to work. It is a combination of you as a person and you as an employee.

For who?
This workshop is for all students of Leiden University

In this workshop you will go deeper into

  1.  Your personal characteristics, your qualities, and your points of development;
  2. What you find important in your future (areas of) work;
  3. What you expect from your working environment and what you bring to the table.

These qualities combined form a unique profile: yours! Knowledge of your personal-career-profile is helpful in finding vacancies and employers, and as input for a job interview. Join the workshop and find out what your unique profile is, and use it to your advantage later on.

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