Universiteit Leiden

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Liveable planet lecture & drinks - Mobilizing the Dutch climate research community to accelerate system transitions

Tuesday 18 October 2022
Liveable communities – Liveable Planet
Hybrid: Live in the Van Steenis building (F104), and online in MS Teams

You are invited to join us for the first Liveable Planet Lecture & Drinks event! You can attend this hybrid event live in the Van Steenis building (Room F104)or online using the link at the bottom of this invitation.


16:00 Short introduction.

16:05 Heleen de Coninck will take the stage fir a presentation, followed by room for questions & discussion.

17:15 Opportunity to network & meet with Liveable Planet members over drinks.

Mobilizing the Dutch climate research community to accelerate system transitions

The latest set of IPCC reports make it very clear: addressing climate change requires system transformations across society, in areas such as food, infrastructure, energy and mobility. The urgency of climate change mitigation and adaptation requires acceleration of such system transitions. This implies a change of behaviour and decision-making of all actors in society.

Role of researchers in transitions

Research actors are not excluded from system transitions. As researchers, we have to get into a more collaborative and interdisciplinary mode, serve those actors working on the system transitions through helpful research, and get more mission-oriented in general.

Climate knowledge & research field taskforce

NWO and KNAW have asked a taskforce to advise on an initiative to organize the Dutch climate knowledge and research field to make this happen. The recommendations by this task force to form a Klimaatonderzoek Initiatief Nederland (KIN) will be presented.

Liveable communities – Liveable Planet

The Liveable Planet programme is one of the eight interdisciplinary programmes that were launched at Leiden University in 2020

Leiden’s Liveable Planet programme aims to combine scientific, policy, socio-cultural and historical/archaeological research at Leiden University into coherent research with which we can tackle the major challenges of a transition to a habitable planet with ecological sustainability. The programme will  serve as a hub for the wide range of relevant research carried out within Leiden University and welcomes interaction with colleagues interested in contributing to the initiative within as well as outside of Leiden University.

Liveable communities – Liveable Planet

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