Universiteit Leiden

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Responsible Extended Reality (XR) Workshop

Friday 23 February 2024
P.J. Veth
Nonnensteeg 1-3
2311 VJ Leiden
The Digital Lab in P.J. Veth 1.07

Extended Reality (XR) encompasses augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality, and is reshaping how users, scholars, and teachers engage with the world. 

One notable application is the Mixtec skull from Museum Volkenkunde in Liselore Tissen’s research (LUCDH Small Grant), which showcases XR's potential in addressing complex issues like repatriation and restitution. However, the journey into XR is not without challenges. Questions arise about the ethical considerations in digitizing objects, the right technology to respect an object's authenticity, data ownership, and the implications of making data accessible in digital spaces. Moreover, prolonged immersion in these alternate realities has potential physical and psychological effects. Recognizing the depth and breadth of these considerations, Liselore Tissen (Leiden University & TU Delft) and John Walker have curated the "Responsible XR for teachers and scholars" workshop. Presentations by John Walker, Maarten Struijk-Wilbrink, Jenneke van der Wal and Monika Theron.

This session, developed by SURF, aims to delve into XR's multifaceted ethical and technological aspects. Participants will have hands-on experiences with various types of experiences through VR, ensuring a comprehensive and immersive exploration of the topic.

Please contact digital-lab@hum.leidenuniv.nl if you are interested in attending.

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