Universiteit Leiden

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Africa and Palestine

Wednesday 1 May 2024
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden

In this talk, Vineet Thakur will discuss the intersecting histories of liberation struggles in apartheid South Africa and Palestine. This will help to get a better sense of why it was South Africa that took Israel to the International Court of Justice. Densua Mumford will review how African states have understood the Palestine-Israel conflict over the decades and how they have mobilised (or not) internationally in support of the Palestinian struggle. The focus will be on discussions and practices in the context of the African Union.


Vineet Thakur is University Lecturer at the Institute for History, Leiden University, and researches on diplomatic histories of India and South Africa. Densua Mumford is Assistant Professor at Leiden University College and has a research focus on African regional organisations such as the African Union and ECOWAS. This session will be chaired by Christian Henderson.

Leiden University Teach-In Series on Palestine & Israel

Changes to the programme or its locations will be announced online.

Open to all Leiden University students and staff (LU card may be required). Any questions or suggestions may be directed to leiden.teachin@gmail.com.

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