Jam-packed class rooms and plenty of enthusiasm at Campus The Hague Career Event
Thinking about the next step in your career, networking, preparing for the labour market or possibly meeting your future employer. Over 400 students and young alumni of the Faculties Governance and Global Affairs, Humanities, and Behavioural Sciences came together last week during the Campus The Hague Career Event.
Two rounds filled with workshops and information sessions by renowned companies and institutions such as Clingendael, various ministries, NIKE, Accenture, and KPMG were followed by an information market where students were able to meet possible employers. Students visiting the Career Event at Wijnhaven went home with their heads filled with new impressions.
Jam-packed class rooms, plenty of enthusiasm
This was the first live Career Event to be organised after corona. The event was part of the Leiden University Career Week. Dianne Karkdijk, study advisor at FGGA Career Services, noticed there was a need among both students and organisations to meet each other. ‘We had a huge amount of applications, the class rooms are jam-packed and everybody is very enthusiastic. With this afternoon, we would like to help students make the transition towards the labour market. To get them into contact with each other and make it more accessible. You can have a walk around here to gather information, but also ask 1-on-1 questions during the information market. It’s an easy way of getting in touch with each other.’
Plenty of vacancies
For the organisations themselves it is a good way to get in contact with students and, for example, inform them about any vacancies they might have. The AIVD (Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service) is growing and looking to hire a large number of people. This certainly proved to be attractive, because the class room where Guido van Hulzen and a colleague held their information sessions was overflowing both times during their presentations. Crammed together, students listened to Van Hulzen’s story, who was also very happy to be out and about. ‘It’s wonderful to be able to do this again, to have personal interactions and make people enthusiastic.’ The colleagues weren’t able to give too much in-depth information about their actual jobs but they could provide more general information about the organisation as a whole and the type of person that the Service is looking to hire. ‘What types of people are you not looking for?’ Was a question from the audience. Van Hulzen couldn’t help but laugh. ‘That’s a question I’ve not been asked before. Very interesting. I wouldn’t send a letter if you have difficulty keeping secrets.’
Two years to try different things
Not only companies but other initiatives such as, for instance, the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Traineeship were also present during the information market. Trainees Mark and Laura talked about the two-year training they are following. Mark: ‘We tell the nearly-graduates how they can take part in various assignments with us for two years and what a fun learning experience that is.’ Laura adds: ‘It’s very diverse, from finances to student affairs, student wellbeing to communication. You can really obtain a wide variety of skills in two years. You’ll not only discover the things you’re good at, but also the things that don’t really interest you. When I started, I really believed I liked everything and would enjoying working everywhere, but that isn’t the case.’
An interesting afternoon
Students Janthe (Security Studies) and Luuk (Public Administration) are standing near the restaurant at Wijnhaven where the information market is being held. Janthe has attended two sessions. ‘The first one by the AIVD and the second by Defensity College. Both were very interesting, but it was also a lot of information,’ she says with a smile. Luuk would like to ask some more individual questions during the information market. ‘I’m very interested in a job at the AIVD, but I would also like to work at an consultancy agency. This afternoon has taught me a lot. It’s really nice that this has been organised for us.’
Text: Margriet van der Zee
Images: Arash Nikkhah