Universiteit Leiden

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Van Haersolte Fund

The Van Haersolte Fund provides subsidies to projects conducted by staff members of the Institute for Philosophy and students enrolled in the Philosophy programmes.

Target group
Bachelor, Master, PhD, Staff
Countries/ nationalities
Scholarship type
Study, Research

Who can apply?

Studenten who are enrolled in the following programmes:

  • BA Wijsbegeerte
  • BA Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives
  • MA Philosophy (60 ec)
  • MA Philosophy (120 ec)

Staff members of the Leiden University Institute for Philosophy.

What can you apply for?

Students and staff members can apply for financial support for a short term study or research stay, for attending a symposium or conference, for organising a symposium or conference, or for inviting a guest speaker to an event. 

What is the procedure?

  • Students and staff members should submit their applications for the Van Haersolte Fund to the secretariat of the Institute for Philosophy (P.O. Box 9515, 2300 RA, Leiden).
  • The Advisory Committee of the Institute will consider the application and send it, accompanied by their recommendation, to the LUF. 
  • The Committee for Academic Expenditure (CWB) of the LUF will decide on the basis of the recommendation from the Advisory Committee whether the application will be approved.
  • The CWB sends both the applicant and the Advisory Committee notification of the offer or refusal of a grant.

When can you apply?

The Committee for Academic Expenditure (CWB) meets seven times a year. Their deadlines (submission dates and meeting dates) are on the LUF website. The Advisory Committee of the Institute for Philosophy meets one week before the CWB meeting. Applications for activities taking place or starting before the CWB has considered the application in its meeting, are not eligible for a grant. 

Applications must contain the following documents:

  • A completed application form, from the Committee for Academic Expenditure (CWB). For more information please visit the LUF website.  
  • A brief description and motivation of your objective.
  • A budget, including information on any other (potential) sources of financial support. 
  • A draft text referring to the support received from the LUF. For this purpose, you should submit withyour application an example of how you are going to refer to the support of the LUF and the Van Haersolte Fund. 
  • A recommendation from the Advisory Committee of the Institute for Philosophy.


You will receive written notification of the results within three weeks after the meeting of the Committee for Academic Expenditures (CWB). If you wish to have the results sooner than this, you can mail or call the LUF. 


You should send the financial account to the LUF within four months of the end of the activity. You should sign this financial account to confirm the accuracy and legitimacy of the expenses. You will be paid the guaranteed grant on the basis of this account. You will not receive a grant if your financial report has not been received within this term.  

Further Details

The LUF is authorized to request further details on actual expenses. If these details cannot be supplied, the LUF is authorized to refuse or reclaim the granted payments. 

Maximum amount of the grant

The maximum amount for each application is 1000 euro. 


Mrs C.W. Sombroek 
Tel. 071 527 2031 

About the Van Haersolte Fund

In 1992, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy R.A.V. baron van Haersolte (1919-2002) established a fund within the Leiden University Fund (LUF) for the promotion of the study of philosophy at Leiden University. 

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