Universiteit Leiden

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Update on Van Steenis closure: building may reopen on Wednesday

23 May 2023

As promised a follow-up on the previous e-mail and the announcements on the website, we hereby give you an update on the blackout situation. There is reason for optimism that we will be able to reopen the Van Steenis building tomorrow morning. Please note, however, that this may be subject to change. We would advise all staff members to work from home in the morning of Wednesday the 24th of May, as far as possible, just in case.

In case you really need to come to the Van Steenis, please keep an eye on the staff website and student website as well as your e-mail. We will publish an update around 7.15 hours about the opening of building on the website and send this out through email.

Regardless of whether the building is open, students enrolled in the 'Exploratory Data Analysis course will have their exam in the Pieterskerk. They will receive a separate email about this.

We will continue to closely monitor the situation. On the Leiden University website you will find the most up to date information. See the website for staff and for students. Tomorrow at around 7.15 hours we will have more information about accessing the Van Steenis building and we will let you know via the website and email.

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