Universiteit Leiden

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Books and readers

Look under your faculty or study programme tab for information on how to acquire study materials.

Study material

We assume that you possess a laptop. Study material will be available in the electronic learning environment Brightspace.

Laptop and software

During your study you will need a laptop computer. A normal up to date laptop suffices, to access the wireless network of the LUMC and to obtain study material from the internet or Blackboard. Notice that your Laptop can not be replaced by a tablet since the specs of a tablet are too limited.

The standard OS in the LUMC is Windows. The Apple OS is not supported. Apple computers can be used; however compatibility issues must be resolved by the student. A recent version of Office is required. The standard browser is Explorer 11. It is possible to acquire software at a reasonable price via Surfspot with your University account.   

Remember that the LUMC works with UK versions of the offered software. You will be provided with a University (ULCN) account at the start of your course in September.

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