Faculty and study programme regulations
At faculty and study programme level there are various regulations in place to ensure that everything runs as it should. For example, there are thesis and faculty regulations, as well as rules and guidelines on assessments, exams, degree classifications and plagiarism.
As a student, the most important regulations you will come across in terms of your education are your study programme's ‘Course and Examination Regulations’ (known as OER in Dutch).
Exam procedure
The rules set out in this procedure apply to the exams for all study programmes at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. There are 2 'sorts' of exams:
- Regular exams.
- Exams with special provisions for students with a disability.
Faculty regulations
The faculty regulation document contains (behavioural) rules of conduct to be used for persons who work and study at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Social conduct education and research
Social conduct stemming from the university's Strategic Plan and FSW's Vision and Strategy Plan.
The Course and Examination Regulations (OER) for the bachelor’s and master's programmes contain information on such issues as admission criteria, examinations, programmes and graduation.
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences has instituted the Turnitin system from January 1, 2006 to be used by instructors for the systematic detection of plagiarism in students’ written work. Consult chapter 6 in the additional rules and regulations (NRR) that form part of your course and examination regulations.